Συνέδριο "Housing for the next European Social Model" [27-30/08/2019, Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο] Call for papers - παράταση

Κατηγορίες Ανακοίνωσης: 
Δευτέρα 01.4.2019

Socio-economic cohesion and convergence were key principles underpinning the European social model, which emerged as the continent was trying to recover  from the devastating wounds fascism and Nazism had inflicted on it. Most major European countries developed their welfare states, in an attempt to support the post-war effort and to rebuild wealthier, more equitable and fairer societies. Housing played a fundamental role in securing decent living standards for everyone and as part of people’s right to the city.

Major global shifts and new political rapports de forces brought changes that prioritized other principles –mainly competitiveness– and thus member states across the EU increasingly adopted neoliberal policies weakening their welfare systems. Housing provision suffered more than other welfare policies by commodification the loss of its function as social right. Even countries with more developed and ecumenical welfare states were eventually affected by this turn.

Alongside those shifts, housing systems in Europe have also been facing major challenges for some time now: rapidly ageing populations, changes in household structures and in household formation, changes in the structure and role of the family as well as immigration waves that have added a complex variety of demographic, cultural and social patterns to national population structures.

Economic crises and events like the on-going refugee issue, have prompted some countries and EU institutions to re-think their stance. However, several European countries went the opposite way by adopting measures which overtly undermine social solidarity, and often pander to xenophobic and nativist political movements, which appear to be oblivious to the continent’s recent past.

In this congress we explore how housing can be part of a new solidarity model for Europe and how housing policies can lead the way in this direction. We look for answers not only in the way central governments and mainstream institutions have responded but also in the realm of social innovation  in the diverse regions of Europe, where path dependency and other contextual factors have given or could give rise to unique solutions to some of the continent’s most pressing housing provision challenges.

For more details about eligibility and application, please visit: http://enhr2019.com

We are glad to inform that the Abstracts Sumbission Deadline Extended until 21 April 2019.

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