Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2017

Κατηγορίες Ανακοίνωσης: 
Τρίτη 31.1.2017

Dear Colleagues,

The final deadline for ICDM 2017 in New York is February 15th, 2017.
Do not miss this deadline. Please try hard to get your paper ready. We are looking forward to your prestigious research work submitted to ICDM 2017. If your have any problems contact us under

Do not miss ICDM 2017. Come to meet our community members from all over the world from industry or research and share and discuss your ideas and research with them. Find new project partners, initiate new projects with them accross countries, and stay in contact with the researchers from all over the world.

If you missed ICDM 2017 you have the chance to submit your paper to one of the satellite workshops running in connection with ICDM/MLDM 2017 (
Choose one of our workshops to present your work and discuss your research with prestigious members of the research community.
You can choose between four workshops
*   International Workshop on Data Mining in Marketing, DMM 2017
*   International Workshop Case-Based Reasoning, CBR-MD 2017
*   International Workshop I-Business to Manufacturing and LifeSciences - The Internet of Things and Services, B2ML 2017
*   International Workshop on Multimedia Forensic Data Analysis, Forensic 2017.

If you like to get a quick introction to Data Mining or any related fields come and take one of our tutorials:
*   Data Mining Tutorial
*   Case-Based Reasoning Tutorial
*   Tutorial Standardization in Immunofluorescence
*   Tutorial Intelligent Image Interpreation and Computer Vision in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry & Food Industry.