City Internships | Scholarships & Program Update

Κατηγορίες Ανακοίνωσης: 
Δευτέρα 24.4.2017

i.  Q1 Scholarship Update: Cast the deciding vote for our contest finalists

Three students have progressed to the second round of the design track of our Q1 Scholarship Contest, and two to the marketing & advertising track.

For the design element of this contest, students were invited to download a PDF document from our website and re-design it with our branding or mock up their own version of a social media campaign.

For marketing and advertising we asked entrants to create a video that focuses on student life and answers the question, “how do you maintain a focus on the future, while enjoying the here and now?”

For both, we saw many high-quality submissions from a diverse pool of students. Our contest committee selected finalists for each. Now, the entries with most likes and shares on Facebook will progress to the final round; a brief interview to discuss career aspirations.

Design finalists:
> Northwestern University (US) - Milan
> University of California, Riverside (US) – Cindy University of Hong
> Kong (HK) – Tyson

Marketing & Advertising finalists:
> University of Sheffield (UK) – Sofija
> Fresno State University (US) – Uriel

Please support our entrants and browse submissions via our Facebook page:

Please take the time to like and share your favourites, and ask your students to do the same. Voting will close on Monday, April 17th.

We are in the process of interviewing entrants to both the Investment Banking and Entrepreneurship contests.
(See for the original announcement of this contest.)

ii. Q2 Scholarship Announcement: Nominate a final year student to win a fully-sponsored place on the Global Vanguard Program in London, New York or Los Angeles this autumn.

Thank you to the vast number that have already nominated.

The opportunity to nominate three final year students to enter a draw for one of three full-sponsored places on the Autumn 2017 Global Vanguard Program remains open for three weeks, but earlier entry is advised.

The Global Vanguard Program includes a twelve-week internship placement with a leading company, alongside our series of career discovery and commercial skills development classes and workshops, in one of 12 global cities and 9 fields.

To learn more about the program and to apply outside of the competition, visit:

Nominate up to three of your most deserving final year students by emailing with the subject line ‘CI Q2 Scholarship Nominations’ and including the following information for each nominee:

1. Name, major and anticipated graduation year;

2. A brief (less than 75 words, please) explanation of why you have chosen your nominee(s);

3. And, so that we can contact all finalists on May 1st, your nominee(s) university email address(es).

The deadline to submit nominations is midnight on April 24th. Fifteen finalists will be drawn from all nominations on May 1st with three winners to be selected by public vote concluding May 8th.

For more information, please visit:

iii. 2017 Autumn Programs: Open for applications across 12 cities

The Global Vanguard Program is a semester-long and available in autumn, winter and spring only. It is most popular with current final year students and recent graduates, CI offers year-round internship-based programs with access to market-leading online classroom-based sessions and remote coaching and support.

Interested students should apply online:

Places are available in 12 cities globally:

London, Paris, New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Miami, Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sydney (limited places – apply now) or Hong Kong (limited places – apply now).

With internship placements in 9 industries:

Banking & Financial Services,  Marketing, Advertising and PR,  Consulting and Professional Services,  Technology and Engineering,  Entertainment, Media and Journalism,  Law and Politics,  Art, Fashion & Design,  Charities, NFPs & NGOs,  Start-Ups & Entrepreneurship.

Explore upcoming programs: