Investigation of the relationship between architecture and music through “counterpoint”, a common methodological tool of composition. The approach is included in the theoretical problematic concerning a structural and methodological analogy between the two arts. Additionally it focuses on the way contrapuntal techniques are applied in architectural synthesis and in arts.
Critical survey of applications on attained interventions, especially on cases with new uses which concern public character functions. Collection of elements, analysis and valuation of the basic characteristics of intervention, conclusions inference.
Sustainability, production, economy, democracy, justice, issues of governance and participation are issues of major importance involved in planning both in the urban context and in the environment. Planning is now redefined on the basis of the principles of ecology and the directions dictated by the need for sustainability and the objectives of participation. Starting from the theoretical analysis of the concepts, the course aims at approaching the design of the space according to the above concepts, with the ultimate goals of sustainability, self-sufficiency, and quality of life.