Spatial - Environmental Planning; Urban - Regional Development; Maritime Spatial Planning; Insular & Coastal Zone Management, Planning and Sustainable Development; Smart Sustainable & Resilient Cities, Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Planning; Climate Change and Energy Neutrality; University and City Relationships; Higher Education and Urban - Regional Development; Cultural Heritage and Local Regeneration; Participatory Planning & Social Actors; Spatial Policies & Practices; Global Spatial Networks & Local Communities.
Yiota Theodora is an Associate Professor of Spatial Planning and Development at the School of Architectural Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) and the Director of the Spatial Planning and GIS Laboratory. At the central administration lever, she is also a member of the National Spatial Planning Council of Greece and the Central Council of Spatial Issues & Disputes while at the academic level she has been a member of the Special Interdepartmental Committee of the Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate Studies : "Urban and Spatial Planning" of the National Technical University of Athens (2018-2022).
Yiota Theodora is an Architect Engineer and holds a Doctorate Diploma and a Post-Doc in Urban and Regional Planning; a Master Degree in Economic and Regional Development and a Post-Master Degree in City & Regional Planning with a concentration in transportation and infrastructure systems planning from the University of Pennsylvania, USA [Stuart Weitzman School of Design - Department of City & Regional Planning]. She teaches and coordinates courses in environmental -spatial planning and developmental policy at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and supervises PhD candidates. Dr. Theodora collaborates with universities in Greece and the USA, including the Hellenic Open University, the University of Thessaly, the Panteion University and the University of Pennsylvania. Her volunteer work is of equal importance and focuses on organizing workshops and scientific events to raise public awareness on issues of spatial planning and sustainable development, natural-cultural heritage management, landscape preservation, climate adaptation and energy neutrality.
Yiota Theodora has been an active member in many Scientific Research Teams and Committees with research collaborations focusing on spatial development and planning both at national and supranational level. She has collaborated with universities, research institutes, services of the public and private sector in more than 40 national and European research programmes and projects of integrated multidisciplinary issues in respect to urban and regional development, spatial and environmental planning, integrated coastal zone management, development and planning, maritime spatial planning, infrastructure systems planning, urban regeneration and natural / cultural heritage management with assignments in Mediterranean and European countries. She has an active social role as a member of international and Greek Organizations [ERSA, ICOMOS, etc] and she has written, solely or in collaboration, scientific articles and chapters in Greek and international journals and books.
During the current academic year, this person is a tutor in the following courses:
Undergraduate Courses
- 6th Semester
- 7th Semester
- Regional Planning
- Special Topics in the Εnvironment 7: Open and Green Spaces in the City
- Urbanism and Spatial Planning 3: Spatial planning and sustainable development
- 8th Semester
- Special Topics In Regional Planning 8: B: Cities, Regional Planning and Enviroment
- 9th Semester
- Special Topics In Urban Planning 9: Introduction to Geographical Infromation Systems
Postgraduate Programme "Architecture - Spatial Design" - Division B: "Urban and Regional Planning"
- Fall Semester
- Spring Semester