June 2020 Exams Portfolio Group: Nina Pappa
GROUP: Nina Pappa (Assistant Professor), Andreas Kalakallas (Laboratory Teaching Stuff)
PORTFOLIO: For the June 2020 exams, please send at akalakallas@arch.ntua.gr your portfolio with at least 12 pieces of the following list:
Size 35 x 50 cm
• 1 composition: (a) color wheel and color wheel with 50% white (b) 3 zones with three complementary color pairs, transition from one color to another in 5 stages
• 1 composition: color study of a photo
Size 17 x 25 cm
• 1 composition of warm colors (with grid)
• 1 composition of cool colors (with grid)
• 1 self-portrait (with grid) and any rough color sketches
• 2 color experimentations: buildings of different uses – external/internal.
• 1 composition from your kitchen
• 2 compositions: distribution of light in different spaces
Total 12 exercises