This course covers the history of architecture and the arts in Western Europe since the abolition of the Western Roman Empire in 476, before the French Revolution in 1789. Specifically it covers topics on: The retreat of the monumental art; The Karolideia and Ottoman architecture and arts; The Romantic rhythm; The Gothic rhythm; The Pre-Renaissance, as a new constitution of the Italian city-state and its monumental architecture; The innovations of Giotto in painting; The Italian Renaissance and its new spatial and morphological perceptions; The study of antiquity and the acme of architecture and visual arts in Florence, Rome and Venice; The New social structures and the evolution of the urban fabric; The Urban mansions and villas; The ecclesiastical and secular power, guilds and the rise of the bourgeoisie, their role in architecture and artistic creation; The contribution of the scholars, artists and architects and the writing of treatises; The spread of the Renaissance north of the Alps; The Reform and Anti-reformation; The Mannerism and Baroque; The new techniques of church building and the great urban planning interventions: axes, squares, palaces and urban mansions; The painting and sculpture in Catholic and Protestant Europe; The urban regimes and the absolute monarchy.
- Nikolaos Belavilas, Professor
- Georgia Marinou, Professor (Συντονίστρια)
- Emmanouil Mikrakis, Assistant Professor